About Cerebral Palsy

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Treatment for Athetoid Cerebral Palsy

Although cerebral palsy is incurable, children with the disability can grow up to live healthy, meaningful lives. Treatment for cerebral palsy helps children with the disorder become more independent and comfortable. Physical therapy and medications keep current problems in check and help prevent future complications.
Treatment for Athetoid Cerebral Palsy
Physical therapy
Physical therapy helps train children with athetoid cerebral palsy how to hold objects and correct their posture. Strength training, using resistance bands and machines, is often used to help improve low muscle tone. Physical therapists also work with children to overcome any sensory impairments, such as touch and depth perception, that are making movement more difficult.
Most of the medications prescribed to children with athetoid cerebral palsy are used to treat secondary conditions that result from developmental brain damage. There are many commonly prescribed medications for athetoid cerebral palsy patients. Anticonvulsants are used to reduce seizures. Over-the-counter acid reflux medications, such as Zantac, are prescribed for children with weak gastroesophageal muscles. Ritalin and other medications treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is diagnosed in up to 20 percent of children with CP. Medications to control drooling and incontinence are also useful.

Surgery for children with cerebral palsy corrects and prevents issues with joints, muscles and tendons by correctly aligning parts of the body to foster healthy growth. Although it is not common in athetoid CP, surgery can be used to correct joint deformities and dislocations due to high muscle tone.

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