About Cerebral Palsy

Friday, December 11, 2015

Definition of Cerebral Palsy ,What is Cp

Definition of Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is considered a neurological disorder caused by a non-progressive brain injury or malformation that occurs while the child’s brain is under development. Cerebral palsy primarily affects body movement and muscle coordination. Though cerebral palsy can be defined, having cerebral palsy does not define the person that has the condition.
Definition of Cerebral Palsy ,What is Cp

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a blanket term for several disorders that affect normal, healthy movement. Over 10,000 children are diagnosed with CP each year.
Cerebral palsy (commonly referred to as CP) affects normal movement in different parts of the body and has many degrees of severity. The word “cerebral” refers to the brain’s cerebrum, which is the part of the brain that regulates motor function. “Palsy” describes a paralysis of voluntary movement in certain body parts. CP causes problems with posture, gait, muscle tone and coordination of movement.

Some children with CP also have coexisting conditions, like vision and hearing impairment. These disorders are caused by brain damage and are not a direct result of having cerebral palsy.

Cerebral palsy does not generally affect life expectancy. Depending on how the condition is managed, motor skills can improve or decline throughout the lifetime. Although CP varies in each individual, most children with this disability are still able to have full, rich lives.

An individual with cerebral palsy will likely show signs of physical impairment. However, the type of movement dysfunction, the location and number of limbs involved, as well as the extent of impairment, will vary from one individual to another. It can affect arms, legs, and even the face; it can affect one limb, several, or all.

Cerebral palsy affects muscles and a person’s ability to control them. Muscles can contract too much, too little, or all at the same time. Limbs can be stiff and forced into painful, awkward positions. Fluctuating muscle contractions can make limbs tremble, shake, or writhe.

Balance, posture, and coordination can also be affected by cerebral palsy. Tasks such as walking, sitting, or tying shoes may be difficult for some, while others might have difficulty grasping objects.

Other complications, such as intellectual impairment, seizures, and vision or hearing impairment also commonly accompany cerebral palsy.

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