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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What are the symptoms of epilepsy with women

We are not familiar with it for epilepsy, this disease is currently the highest incidence of the disease, so. We should attach great importance to this disease, so as to reduce the incidence of disease, then, for women, women with epilepsy symptoms, what does? To solve this problem I believe we all want to know it, the following detailed description and experts under.
What are the symptoms of epilepsy with  women

1, epileptic absence seizures
Sudden mental activity interruption, loss of consciousness, may be associated with myoclonus or automatism. The first attack a few seconds to ten seconds. EEG 3 times / second spine is slow or sharp slow-wave synthesis.
2, generalized tonic - clonic seizures
Sudden loss of consciousness, followed after the first tonic-clonic spasms. Often accompanied by screaming, pale purple, urinary incontinence, tongue bite, foaming at the mouth or Xue Mo, mydriasis. Tens of seconds or minutes after sustained seizures naturally stop, into the sleeping state. Wake up after a momentary dizziness, irritability, fatigue, on the seizure process can not recall. If the attack continued, has been in a coma who said large seizures of status, often life-threatening.
3, autonomic seizures
You may have a headache type, abdominal pain type, limb pain type, type, or cardiovascular syncope episodes. No clear cause of epilepsy were secondary to intracranial tumors, trauma, infection, parasitic disease, cerebrovascular disease, systemic metabolic disease caused by a secondary epilepsy.
4, complex partial seizures
Spiritual sensory, psychomotor and mixed episodes. Many have different levels of consciousness and clear thinking, perception, emotional and spiritual movement disorders. You may have fugue, night psychosis automatism performance. Sometimes hallucinations, delusions can occur under the domination of wounding, self-injury and other violence.
Neurotransmitter balance therapy epilepsy quick
Minimally invasive treatment effectively repair
By neurotransmitter balance therapy effectively prevent astrocytes play a role, so that within the visual cortex of the brain so that local blood flow induced response disappeared, and ultimately effective repair neuronal cells, to cure epilepsy purposes.
Stability and regulation double-effect one
Neurotransmitters bid farewell to the traditional balance therapy relying solely on drugs, to restore brain cell function underlying abnormal discharge balance to prevent seizures, epilepsy both scientific and thoroughness.
Blood both direct lesions
With neurotransmitter balance therapy treatment, effectively improve brain blood and oxygen, infiltration repair damaged neurons, the nerve cell bodies inside and outside the cell membrane potential difference back to normal, until the functional recovery, fundamentally completely cure epilepsy.

Tips: The above is a detailed introduction to experts female epilepsy, everyone on this disease is not a deeper understanding of it, hoping to give us help, in life more than once symptoms appear, it is necessary to promptly regular hospital treatment, to avoid the disease worse.

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