About Cerebral Palsy

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Pictures And Treatment for baby with cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is an umbrella term for the effects of damage to a developing brain by various causes. It is connected with a range of symptoms, including muscle weakness and movement problems. The damage to the brain usually occurs early on in its development, either in the baby during pregnancy or during the period soon after birth. Symptoms may include difficulties in walking, balance and motor control, eating, swallowing, speech or coordination of eye movements. Some people affected by cerebral palsy also have some level of intellectual disability. No two people with cerebral palsy are affected in exactly the same way.
The exact causes of CP aren't always known. But many cases are the result of problems during pregnancy when a fetus' brain is either damaged or doesn't develop normally. This can be due to infections, maternal health problems, a genetic disorder, or something else that interferes with normal brain development. Rarely, problems during labor and delivery can cause CP.
Premature babies — particularly those who weigh less than 3.3 pounds (1,510 grams) — have a higher chance of having CP than babies that are carried to term. So do other low-birthweight babies and multiple births, such as twins and triplets.
There is no cure, but teams of healthcare professionals work together with the patient to tackle the different aspects of their cerebral palsy. This might include physiotherapy and occupational therapy to improve movement and mobility, as well as speech therapy to improve communication skills. Muscle relaxants are available to tackle muscle stiffness, and other medicines are available to help with feeding problems in babies.Stem cell can effective treatment baby with cerebral palsy.

Pictures baby with cerebral palsy

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