About Cerebral Palsy

Monday, November 30, 2015

Why Alcohol Consumption Can Cause Seizures

The more consumption of alcohol, the more a person gets physically dependent on alcohol. Repeated consumption and exposure to alcohol can lead to the development and building up a tolerance for alcohol, since the Central Nervous System (CNS) struggles tofunction normally. As tolerance builds up, the tendency is that more alcohol will be consumed to obtain the same wanted effect that took place before. When there will be no or lesser amounts of alcohol consumption of alcohol, that is when withdrawal symptoms may occur, due to a drop of the blood alcohol levels.
For chronic alcohol drinkers, several alcohol withdrawal may cause seizures within 24 hours to 48 hours after his or her last alcohol consumption. Grand mal seizure in alcoholics occur due to the Central Nervous System (CNS) is so depressed due to the excessive alcohol consumption that it can cause rebound activity when alcohol is reduced or removed from the system. The said rebound activity is the one that can cause grand mal seizures.
How To Get Help To Reduce Or Stop Drinking

If you are worried on your drinking problems and find it difficult to cope up with but needs a solution, talk to your family doctor about it. He can be your best guidance and can help you find people or support group who can help you quit drinking or reduce the amount of alcohol that you intake.

Best Treatment for Cerebral Palsy

CP is not considered to be a curable condition and the word “management” is used more often than “treatment”. However, there is much that can be done to lessen the effects of CP and to help people with CP to lead independent lives.
If you have a child with CP it is easy to be overshelmed by the number of professionals involved with your child and the different management and therapy options. Not all interventions are appropriate for each individual and, as a parent, you are the person to decide what is right for you and yor child. Some parents like to involve their child in every option that may be helpful; others decide that having family time is more important than spending hours each week on therapy or the stress involved in going through another bout of surgery. Some adults with CP consdier the therapy and/or surgery they had as children was very helpful; others quit therapy in adolescence and stay as far away from doctors and therapists as they can.
Physical Therapy (PT) aims to help people achieve their potential for physical independence and mobility. PT includes exercises, correct positioning and teaching alternate ways of movement such as walkers, bracing or handling a wheelchair.
Occupational Therapy (OT) designs purposeful activities to increase independence through fine motor skills. OTs help children to use adaptive equipment such as feeding, seating and bathroom aids.
Speech Therapy aims at improving communication. A child may only need help to overcome a slight articulation problem, or she may not be able to communicate verbally and may require a non-verbal communication system. Alternate communication systems can include synthesized and natural spech devices.
Music Therapy uses music for the treatment of neurological, mental or behavioural disorders.
New therapies are being developed all the time. Contact your local Cerebral Palsy Association for information on alternative treatments.
Orthotics, Casts, and Splints
Most children with CP will be prescribed orthotics, casts or splints to supplement their therapy programs. These should be custom made for the child and help to provide stability, keep joints in position, and help stretch muscles.
A child may take medication for conditions associated with their CP, such as seizures. Drugs may sometimes be prescribed for severe spasticity or painful spasms. Spasticity can be reduced by nerve blocking injections. A recent development is the infection of botulinum toxin ("Botox") into a spastic musle group. This can reduce tone for several months.
Orthopaedic and soft-tissue surgery can help to counter the damaging effects of spasticiy on the spine, hips and legs. Surgery can lengthen or transfer tendons, enabling the child to move more easily. When the child has finished growing, bone surgery may help to reposition and stabilize bones.

Neurosurgery involves surgery on the nerve roots which control muscle tone. Selective posterior rhizotomy aims to reduce spasticity by severing some of the nerve roots in the spine.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

How cerebral palsy affects the body

Cerebral palsy affects people in different ways – some people experience minor motor skill problems, while others may be totally physically dependent.

Cerebral palsy distorts messages from the brain to cause increased muscle tension (called hypertonus) or reduced muscle tension (called hypotonus). Sometimes this tension fluctuates, becoming more or less obvious. Messages from the brain may also be mistimed, sent to the wrong muscle, or not sent at all. This affects the timing, quality and synchronisation of messages, generally resulting in erratic movement of the muscles. Only the message path between the brain and muscles is affected, not the muscles themselves. Cerebral palsy can be categorised into four main areas, according to the parts of the body it affects:

Quadriplegia – all four limbs are affected and the muscles of the face and mouth may also be affected.

Diplegia – all four limbs are affected, but legs more so than arms.

Hemiplegia – one side of the body is affected.

Paraplegia – both legs, but neither of the arms, are affected.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Chinese Medicine for Treatment of Cerebral Palsy in Children

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapy including acupuncture, tu'ina, oral herbal medicine, herbal bathing, and collateral-channels conduct therapy for treating children with cerebral palsy (CP).
Cerebral palsy, which is caused by abnormalities or damage in parts of the brain that control movement, can't be cured. Although cerebral palsy appears in the first few years of life and permanently affects movement and coordination, the condition doesn't get worse over time.
Although few studies have tested the use of alternative therapy for cerebral palsy, there's some evidence that acupuncture may help with the disorder. For instance, in a research review published in 2010, scientists sized up 35 randomized clinical trials (involving a total of 3,286 children with cerebral palsy) and concluded that acupuncture may benefit cerebral palsy patients.
The review's findings indicate that acupuncture may help improve daily functioning, increase independence, and enhance verbal function in children with cerebral palsy.

Other studies show that acupuncture may improve speech and boost bone density in cerebral palsy patients. And in a 2009 study of 60 children with cerebral palsy, researchers found that participants who received an alternative therapy combining acupuncture with music therapyshowed greater improvement in movement.

Friday, November 27, 2015

History of Cerebral Palsy

CP, formerly known as "Cerebral Paralysis," was first identified by English surgeon William Little in 1860. Little raised the possibility of asphyxia during birth as a chief cause of the disorder. It was not until 1897 that Sigmund Freud, then a neurologist, suggested that a difficult birth was not the cause but rather only a symptom of other effects on fetal development. Research conducted during the 1980s by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) suggested that only a small number of cases of CP are caused by lack of oxygen during birth.

Types of Cerebral Palsy Symptoms

Symptoms can range from clumsiness to severe spasticity that contorts the child's arms and legs, requiring mobility aids, such as braces, crutches, and wheelchairs. Because other parts of the brain may also be affected, many children with cerebral palsy have other disabilities, such as intellectual disability, behavioral problems, difficulty seeing or hearing, and seizure disorders.
There are four main types of cerebral palsy:
In all forms of cerebral palsy, speech may be hard to understand because the child has difficulty controlling the muscles involved in speech.
In the spastic type, which occurs in over 70% of children with cerebral palsy, the muscles are stiff (spastic) and weak. The stiffness may affect both arms and both legs (quadriplegia) or mainly the legs and lower part of the body (paraplegia). Often, the same parts on both sides of the body are affected (diplegia), but sometimes only the arm and leg on one side are affected (hemiplegia). The affected arms and legs are poorly developed, as well as stiff and weak. Some children may walk in a criss-cross motion, where one leg swings over the other (scissors gait), and some may walk on their toes. Crossed, lazy, or wandering eyes (strabismus) and other vision problems may occur. Children with spastic quadriplegia are the most severely affected. They commonly have intellectual disability (sometimes severe) along with seizures and trouble swallowing. Children who have trouble swallowing may choke on secretions from the mouth and stomach and inhale (aspirate) them. Aspiration inflames the lungs, causing difficulty breathing. Repeated aspiration can permanently damage the lungs. Many children with spastic hemiplegia, diplegia, or paraplegia have normal intelligence and are less likely to have seizures.
In the athetoid type, which occurs in about 20% of children with cerebral palsy, the arms, legs, and body spontaneously move slowly and involuntarily. Movements may also be writhing, abrupt, and jerky. Strong emotion makes the movements worse, and sleep makes them disappear. Children usually have normal intelligence and rarely have seizures. Difficulty articulating words clearly is common and is often severe. If the cause is kernicterus, affected children are often deaf and have difficulty looking up.
In the ataxic type, which occurs in less than 5% of children with cerebral palsy, coordination is poor, and muscles are weak. Movements become shaky when children reach for an object (a type of tremor). Children have difficulty when they try to move rapidly or do things that require fine movements. They walk unsteadily, with their legs widely spaced.

In the mixed type, two of the above types, most often spastic and athetoid, are combined. This type occurs in many children with cerebral palsy. Children with mixed types may have severe intellectual disability.

Epilepsy in Children With Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that are usually caused by some amount of injury to the brain or head before, during, or shortly after birth. Since the disorder is caused in this manner, many people with cerebral palsy suffer from seizures as well. In the traditional sense, cerebral palsy is not a seizure disorder like epilepsy. Cerebral palsy may be mistaken for such a seizure disorder, but cerebral palsy is a non-progressive group of disorders. Thus, the symptoms of cerebral palsy do not get worse or better over time.

Seizures in cerebral palsy and other seizure disorders take place when there is some overactivity or misdirected activity of electricity in the brain. People with cerebral palsy can later also develop some forms of epilepsy. These people who develop the seizure disorder epilepsy, and have cerebral palsy, usually have a much more variable rate of exhibiting symptoms.

Two types of seizures that are common in people with cerebral palsy are the tonic-clonic (or “grand mal”) seizure and the partial seizure. Both types of seizures can be very disconcerting both for the person who has them and their family members. These seizure disorder symptoms can be especially troubling in children.
Spastic tetraplegia was the commonest type of CP associated with seizures whereas spastic diplegia was the commonest variety of CP in group 2. Most children with CP had an early onset of seizures within the first year of life as against those without CP. The children in group 1 had a higher incidence of neonatal seizures (42.9% vs. 29.4% in group 2 and 0% in group 3), presence of significant developmental delay (98.2% vs. 20.0% in group 3), occurrence of significant abnormalities on brain imaging (94.6% vs. 19.6% in group 3) and a need for use of more than 1 antiepileptic drug (66.1% vs. 30.0% in group 3). Over half of children in the study group presented with generalized tonic clonic seizures; the electroencephalogram (EEG) showed focal epileptic discharges with or without secondary generalization in 39.3%. The overall outcome of seizures in children with CP was poor needing prolonged course of anticonvulsant medications, polytherapy and higher incidence of refractory seizures and admissions for status epilepticus compared to the control group.
Cerebral palsy is associated with a higher incidence of seizure disorders, which, in a majority, has its onset in the neonatal period; brain imaging showed abnormal pathology in most affected children, which possibly accounts for the tendency to more refractory seizures in these children.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Epilepsy Basics ,Causes, Diagnosis

Epilepsy Basics
People with epilepsy experience brief disturbances in the normal electrical functioning of their brain. This can affect the entire brain, which is called generalized epilepsy, or just part of it, known as partial epilepsy. When these strong surges of electrical activity occur, they affect the consciousness, movement patterns, and sensations during episodes called seizures. In clinical terms, epilepsy is called a seizure disorder and is defined as having two or more unprovoked seizures, meaning that they come out of nowhere and have no clear cause. Although many people have seizures, not all of them are epileptic, however. Seizures also can be caused by a variety of other triggers, including medication reactions, a heart condition, or even extreme sleep deprivation, Dr. Leppik says.
Epilepsy Causes
So why do people develop epilepsy? Unfortunately, researchers don't have all of the answers, and for the majority there are no known causes. In the remaining few individuals with epilepsy, Dr. Montouris says, certain situations may be implicated, including a trauma at birth, hemorrhage, brain malformations, infections involving the brain such as meningitis and encephalitis, a stroke, head trauma, brain tumors, genetic syndromes, and blood vessel abnormality.
Epilepsy Diagnosis

Because the causes of epilepsy are so varied, establishing a medical history is one of the first steps a physician will take when diagnosing the condition. Although many physicians will treat epilepsy solely on the basis of a patient's medical history, there are other tools at your doctor's disposal as well. Depending on what type of epilepsy is suspected — there are dozens of different forms — doctors may order an electroencephalograph, which records brain waves and can alert physicians to patterns that might indicate seizures. Magnetic resonance imaging, computerized tomography, and in some cases, positive emission tomography, also may be used as diagnostic tools.

Babies Cerebral Palsy May Have Asymmetric Pelvic Bones

Most children with severe cerebral palsy have asymmetric pelvic bones that surgeons should adjust for when they perform surgeries of the pelvis, spine and surrounding structures, say researchers.

Previous studies have found that cerebral palsy patients have asymmetry above the pelvis and misalignment of the hips, but this is the first study to find misalignment between the two sides of the pelvic bone itself, said the team at Cerebral palsy Center.

They conducted 3-D CT scans on 27 children with severe cerebral palsy and found that all of them had a greater than 10 degree misalignment of the pelvic bones.
The study appears online March 10 in the Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics .

Most children with severe cerebral palsy have significant spinal curvatures (scoliosis) that require surgery. Since the spine and pelvis are connected, doctors must take into account the possibility of a misaligned pelvis when undertaking any surgical procedures to correct scoliosis, the researchers said.
The degree of pelvic asymmetry should dictate the size, type and placement of surgical screws and rods used to stabilize the spine and pelvis.

“Surgeons preparing to operate on children with cerebral palsy should look out for pelvic asymmetry and tweak their surgical technique accordingly to achieve better outcomes and more lasting benefits,” study senior investigator Dr. Paul Sponseller, chief of pediatric orthopedics, said in a Hopkins news release.

Stem Cells Treatment for Cerebral Palsy

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Can stem cells treat cerebral palsy now?

No. Research into potential stem cell therapies for cerebral palsy is still at the stage of laboratory studies and some very preliminary clinical trials, so no proven treatment is currently available. Current clinical trials typically involve injection of stem cells from the bone marrow or umbilical cord blood into the brain. Although measurements are taken of any changes in the patients’ control of their movement, the main focus of such early trials is to find out whether this type of treatment is safe. Current trials are listed in the registryclinicaltrials.gov. It is likely that a combination of treatments will be needed for cerebral palsy patients, making use of the benefits of stem cells, physiotherapy and other approaches. Many questions must be answered by further research before stem cell treatments can become a reality, for example:

Which of the various types of stem cells would be the best to use?

How can we obtain the cells we need in large quantities?

What is the best way in which to use these cells and how will they affect the body?

If we plan to inject cells, should they be injected directly into the damaged area of the brain, or into the bloodstream?
When does the treatment need to be given for the best result, i.e. is there a window of time after which the damage becomes permanent?
Is a treatment that stimulates the stem cells already within the brain a better solution?

The safety of any treatment also needs to be established through many stages of research to reduce the risk to patients. For example, a particular safety issue with stem cells is that they are highly capable of dividing and multiplying, meaning they have the potential to form cancerous tumours. Scientists therefore need to know exactly how the stem cells will behave when used as a treatment, and this will take time.

Signs And Treatment of Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is one of the most common physical disabilities in the United States, with roughly 500,000 people suffering from the disorder. It is also a very complicated disorder with a number of different types and symptoms. Despite how common it is no parent wants their child to be afflicted by it. Whether your child already has it or you are simply concerned about its potential harm, cerebral palsy is something every parent should know about.
Signs and Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy
As we have stated, cerebral palsy has a number of symptoms related to it, which is why it is impossible to make sweeping generalizations. That being said, cerebral palsy does have some symptoms that are common to anyone who has the disorder:
Slow, abnormal, even writhing movements beyond the child’s control
Lack of muscular control
Spastic movements
Atypical muscle development that is either stiff or floppy
Another common sign is when children miss certain developmental milestones or otherwise display intellectual disabilities.
Treating Cerebral Palsy
At the moment, there is no cure for cerebral palsy. When a doctor diagnoses a child with it, the next step is introducing the parents to various ways they can accommodate their son or daughter. Things like walkers, wheelchairs, and braces will most likely be necessary. Education plans that take their disability into consideration and in-home care of some kind will be necessary too.

Cerebral palsy is a debilitating disability, but not something that needs to ruin a person’s life. As advancements in medicine and technology continue, those who suffer from cerebral palsy have a bright outlook.

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 stem cells treatment for cerebral palsy

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Top 6 Cure Method for Epilepsy

There are alternatives to medication (or surgery) for the treatment of epilepsy. Many of these can be used safely alongside conventional medications. Some may be useful in preventing a single seizure from developing into a recurring one.
* Acupuncture. Only small trials have been carried out and show benefits with this treatment. In one involving eight children, the use of the standard acupoints indicated for epilepsy, along with a selection of other points relevant to the individual patient and applied within 10 minutes of the seizure, was found to be effective . Other evidence, published on the Internet, also suggests that acupuncture may help in some cases .
* Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Anecdotally, this form of oxygen therapy, in which patients breathe pure oxygen in a chamber with a higher-than-normal atmospheric pressure, is reported to have had some good results in treating epilepsy, though good-quality research is lacking. It has been used successfully in other areas such as stroke rehabilitation and traumatic brain injury.
* Nutrition. Common nutritional deficiencies associated with epilepsy include manganese, zinc and magnesium. It may be worth a full nutritional analysis to determine if you are suffering from these deficiencies. Other nutrients may also be helpful. Epileptics may be deficient in vitamin E and selenium - both can significantly lower seizure rates . It is essential that anyone taking AEDs be aware that they can deplete important nutrients such as folic acid, vitamin D and calcium. Adequate supplementation with nutrients that are likely to be depleted should be considered.
* Try a ketogenic diet. A high-fat, low-protein and low-carbohydrate diet has a long history in the control of seizure activity . One of the benefits of such a diet is that it counterbalances the tendency of epileptics towards alkalinity whereas acidification is believed to help normalise nerve conductivity, irritability and membrane permeability.
* Environmental considerations. Go organic. Common pesticides such as dieldrin, lindane and the pyrethroids interfere with the electrical activity of the brain and promote convulsions in susceptible individuals by binding with benzodiazepine receptors. Similarly, toxic metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium and aluminium can induce seizures by disrupting nerve function .

* Homoeopathy. A number of homoeopathic remedies available address many forms of epileptic attack. Consult a specialist homoeopath for an all-embracing remedy that will treat you constitutionally.

Can Acupuncture Cure Epilepsy With Chinese Medicine

Epilepsy is defined as paroxysmal and temporary disturbance of brain characterized by loss of consciousness and muscle tic or abnormal sensation, emotion and behavior. In TCM, this disease is categorized as "xian zheng" (epilepsy syndrome) and "dian xian" (epilepsy).
A growing number of people with epilepsy are finding that this ancient treatment helps control seizures. Acupuncture, which as been part of China's medical heritage for over 3,000 years, was introduced into the United States and Canada in the 1970's. Since that time, it's become one of the most frequently requested of the complementary therapies (to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine or other treatments.)
Can Acupuncture Cure Epilepsy With Chinese Medicine

Main Points of Diagnosis 
1. The histories of family, epileptic attack and encephalopathia should be inquired carefully.
2. Clinical manifestations of the disease vary greatly. There may be grand mal, petit mal, rolandic mal and infantile spasms. The grand mal is characterized by sudden loss of consciousness, general totanic spasm with apnea, cyanosis and foam in the mouth, which usually last for 1¡ª5 minutes. The patients may then fall into sleep and become conscious a few hours later. The petit mal is characterized by sudden, short loss of consciousness without aurae and muscle tic, accompanied with interruptions of speech and action which usually persist for 2¡ª10 seconds. The patient usually comes to consciousness rapidly.
3. Electroencephalogram examination and tomography may be useful for the diagnosis of epilepsy.
Main Symptoms and Signs of Epilepsy : Convulsion of extremities during a fit of epilepsy, unconsciousness or vertigo, headache and abdominal pain, accompanied with stridor produced by phlegm in the throat, salivation, yellow face, thick fur of the tongue, and slippery and rapid pulse.
Therapeutic Principle: Removing phlegm and inducing resuscitation.
Recipe: Modified Phlegm-Removing Decoction.
pinellia tuber
tangerine peel
bamboo shavings
bitter orange
gastrodia tuber
arisaema with bile
grassleaved sweetflag rhizome
licorice root
All the above herbs are to be decocted in water for oral administration.
can Acupuncture Cure epilepsy?
"Acupuncture" and "Chinese Medicine" are often used as synonyms; however, traditional Chinese Medicine, abbreviated as TCM, includes diet, herbal remedies and exercises.
"Acupuncture can be quite useful for epilepsy, depending upon the type and extent of a person's epilepsy." He's treated several people with epilepsy and says that treatment helped reduce the frequency and severity of their seizures. "Acupuncture targets the cause of an illness," he says, "although it may take some time for the effects to be felt. People who expect a quick fix will be disappointed. Those who stick with the treatment, though, have a better chance for success." Like many acupuncturists, he includes herbal treatments and dietary recommendations.
This ancient method of preventing and treating illness has a very different basis than Western medicine. To an acupuncturist, vital energy or qi runs through the human body along pathways called meridians. Qi is the life force that is involved in all bodily functions - from metabolism to emotions. In a healthy person, the Chinese believe, the qi flows unimpeded. When the flow or circulation is impeded, illness results. Therefore, the goal of acupuncture is to restore harmony - yin and yang - within the body. Patterns of energy flow through the body just below the surface of the skin.

To balance energy, the acupuncturist inserts sterilized stainless steel needles - little thicker than a hair - at key points along the body to access the twelve channels or meridians where qi flows through the body. (For a person with epilepsy, this would certainly include points that influence brain energy, to increase the flow of blood to the head.) This manipulates the energy flow, to either increase or decrease a person's qi at various points in the body, to help clear energy blockages. To help ensure that the correction in energy flow lasts, many acupuncturists make dietary recommendations and prescribe herbs.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Pictures And Treatment for baby with cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is an umbrella term for the effects of damage to a developing brain by various causes. It is connected with a range of symptoms, including muscle weakness and movement problems. The damage to the brain usually occurs early on in its development, either in the baby during pregnancy or during the period soon after birth. Symptoms may include difficulties in walking, balance and motor control, eating, swallowing, speech or coordination of eye movements. Some people affected by cerebral palsy also have some level of intellectual disability. No two people with cerebral palsy are affected in exactly the same way.
The exact causes of CP aren't always known. But many cases are the result of problems during pregnancy when a fetus' brain is either damaged or doesn't develop normally. This can be due to infections, maternal health problems, a genetic disorder, or something else that interferes with normal brain development. Rarely, problems during labor and delivery can cause CP.
Premature babies — particularly those who weigh less than 3.3 pounds (1,510 grams) — have a higher chance of having CP than babies that are carried to term. So do other low-birthweight babies and multiple births, such as twins and triplets.
There is no cure, but teams of healthcare professionals work together with the patient to tackle the different aspects of their cerebral palsy. This might include physiotherapy and occupational therapy to improve movement and mobility, as well as speech therapy to improve communication skills. Muscle relaxants are available to tackle muscle stiffness, and other medicines are available to help with feeding problems in babies.Stem cell can effective treatment baby with cerebral palsy.

Pictures baby with cerebral palsy

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Stem Cell Therapy And Acupuncture Treatment for Cerebral Palsy in China

Cerebral palsy is a brain-damage acquired at birth. Depending on the location of the affected centres of the brain, the dysfunctions may vary. Depending on the dysfunction, the therapy concept always has to be individually adjusted.
How to treat cerebral palsy by stem cells treatment in china ?
The therapy involves injecting stem cells from the umbilical cords of healthy babies into the spinal cord fluid of a patient with cerebral palsy, over a two-month period. The stem cells are thought to develop into new nerve cells and repair some of the brain damage caused by cerebral palsy.
Stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy can potentially bring improvements in Motor function, Coordination, Vision, Mental Retardation, Muscular Strength, Spasticity, Epilepsy, Swallowing, Speech and more.
Upon receiving your medical information our doctors can give you additional guidance regarding your/your relative’s particular condition.
Dyskinetic form of cerebral palsy is characterized by poor coordination of movements. There are two main subtypes of it: athetoid (hyperkinetic) form, characterized by slow or rapid uncontrollable movements of any part of the body, as the process may involve the face, mouth and tongue which can‖t be healed without stem cells therapy for cerebral palsy. Approximately 10-20% of cases of cerebral palsy can be attributed to this type. Atactic form is characterized by imbalance and poor coordination. If a patient walks, the gait is indecisive and changeable. Patients with this form have problems with the performance of rapid movements and those movements that require high control, such as writing. This form affects 5-10% of patients with cerebral palsy. The new treatment which will be discussed afterwards includes the use of own stem cells. Mixed form is a combination of various forms of cerebral palsy. The most common combination is the combination of spastic and athetoid CP forms. Patient's intellect, as a rule, doesn't sufferwith cerebral palsy. Their ability to show their intellectual abilities is sometimes limited by difficulties in communication.
There are two significant advantages of adipose stem cells:
No rejection: the adipose stem cells applied from transplantation are derived from patient’s own adipose tissue via liposuction, which can avoid allorecognition so as to avoid infection, rejection, etc.
Safe procedure: multiple stem cells will be cultivated with only a little adipose tissue, which can reduce the injury to the patient with only a minor wound.
Acupuncture Treatment for Cerebral Palsy in China

Acupuncture is a very useful Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) way to treat Cerebral Palsy. It has been put into use in medical treatment for hundreds of years. Acupuncture is done by manipulating thin, solid needles that have been inserted into acupuncture points in the skin. In our Acupuncture treatment for Cerebral Palsy, we also use heat, pressure or mild electrical current. Most people don't feel hurt so that the patients don't feel slight pressure during the treatment. read more about acupuncture

How To Care For children with Cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy is an umbrella term for describing a group of chronic disorders that impair a person's ability to control body movement and posture. These disorders result from injury to the motor areas of the brain. Cerebral palsy affects two to six infants out of every 1,000 births, and is the most common disability among children in the U.S. The problem causing cerebral palsy may occur while the infant is still in the womb or after birth, and the problem is not always detectable during a child's first year of life. Children with mild cerebral palsy may only have a minor limp or an uncoordinated walk, while patients with severe cases will require care and supervision throughout their lives. Many of the infants born with cerebral palsy also experience some degree of mental retardation and/or have seizures.
The more you know about cerebral palsy, the more tools you will have to help your child. Read about cerebral palsy in other sections of this web site. Ask your child’s doctor about resources available from his or her office and on the internet. Many non-profit organizations offer information on cerebral palsy; keep up-to-date with current research.
Build a support system. Seek out local groups and parent network organizations for families of children with disabilities. Ask your doctor or specialist for referrals. Join an online chat group for parents of children with cerebral palsy.

Take care of yourself. You can’t help your child if you are burned out. Make plans to do things you enjoy, such as taking time out to have a night out with friends or family. Planning ahead so that the situation at home is safe for your child prior to going out makes this possible and more beneficial. It is so important to “recharge the batteries.”

Thursday, November 19, 2015

How to treat Children can not speak with cerebral palsy

Children can not speak how is it treated? Part cerebral palsy facial muscles due to irregular, uncoordinated contractions caused by language dysfunction, these children are often not properly pronounce, but can better understand adult language, their intelligence often People can not easily be detected. Then the child can not speak how to treat it?
Cerebral palsy language training are:
First, encourage children to sound: When the sound of children with cerebral palsy, to immediately instead of dialogue and response. Even he said that not a sentence, it should nod repeatedly taught him, inspiring words he uttered want to express. To much praise or praise, to avoid excessive criticism and accusations, build confidence so that children learn to speak. The use of the various requirements and desires of children, encourage their vocal enthusiasm.
Second, the pronunciation function training: Functional Training includes retractable tongue tongue, added under lips, tongue about sports, tongue movement, tongue and ancillary tongue exercise; exercise training including the tongue and lip movement blow.
Third, the ability to understand the training: verbal comprehension training includes hearing (called name) and visual (pictures, in-kind, etc.) Non-verbal comprehension training mainly include understanding gestures, discrimination often hear voices and clapped with the rhythm of the music and the like.
Fourth, increase the amount of talk and activity: parents and children do not speak can not be answered because the loss of confidence. Whether the children know or do not know, family members should take advantage of every opportunity to talk to the children speak. When the children were playing games together with breathing training, vocal training, in order to arouse interest in children Training.
The election of the therapy is the key to symptomatic treatment
CNSA central nervous system regulation of medical rehabilitation system Beijing Erkang Baiwang Hospital language training program (ST) can be used acupuncture, massage related meridian points, correct position of the tongue, the tongue state, stretching movements and other methods for training of scientific, planned, an effective solution to the language barrier in patients with cerebral palsy, and to help them as soon as possible to restore normal language function. It is understood that Beijing Erkang Baiwang Hospital  was founded in 1988 with cerebral palsy treatment hospital, the creation of the central nervous system regulation of cerebral palsy CNSA treatment of cerebral palsy treatment system is a new technology, have a good effect.
Beijing Erkang Baiwang Hospital adjust to  CNSA central nervous system regulation of medical rehabilitation system adhere to brain surgery examination → Rehabilitation Evaluation → → → rehabilitation → orthopedic surgery rehabilitation golden standard principles → woke complex intellectual muscle, covering the international standard detection system, the international standard evaluation system, international a variety of projects as well as Chinese characteristics rehabilitation system rehabilitation system, etc., will be a combination of surgery and rehabilitation, to achieve the treatment of cerebral palsy disease from examination to surgery to rehabilitation of the entire process.

Specifically, the regulation of the central nervous system Beijing Erkang Baiwang Hospital CNSA clinic rehabilitation system manifested according to different cerebral palsy patients with varying degrees of dysfunction and disorder limits, set up rehabilitation assessment, acupuncture and massage, basic training, sports training (PT), job training (OT), language training (ST), psychological therapy and physical therapy and other rehabilitation equipment and treatment programs. These projects interlocking and mutually reinforcing, so as to ensure the body functions children with cerebral palsy have been varying degrees of recovery, the early realization of recovery.

The Best Cerebral Palsy Hospital in World

Beijing Erkang Baiwang Hospital was originally founded in 1988 as a cerebral palsy hospital affiliated to Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. It's an appointed hospital for medical insurance and one of the pioneer specialized hospitals in the cerebral palsy field. It is located in Haidian district of Beijing, which is also called the "Educational, Scientific and Cultural Base of China".

For over 30 years' of hard working by all the generations, the hospital has gradually developed into an influential international cerebral palsy hospital based in Beijing. It's also the first Chinese hospital that provides cerebral palsy treatment to patients all over the world, including countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia, Korea, Pakistan, and other 20 countries or regions, solving cerebral palsy related problems for people of all colors and races. It is a model in mainland China, representing the highest level, newest standard and best quality in the field of cerebral palsy treatment. And it has also been well accepted internationally.

As a world renowned quality brand, Beijing Erkang Baiwang Hospital possesses 10 special clinics and 5 unique out-patient clinics, which provide personalized treatment and comprehensive evaluation for the patients. It's also dedicated to improve its power by building up a better doctor team, setting up more advanced equipment, and improving its service to a higher level.

Best doctors at your service: our hospital has spent big efforts in recruiting the best doctors worldwide, whether it's Chinese medicine doctor or western medicine doctor. By integrating the "east" and the "west", we are aiming to create the most specialized team which is not only traditional but also super advanced, so as to offer an overall security check for child patients with cerebral palsy.

Spastic Cerebral Palsy Treatment Method

The incidence of cerebral palsy was increased year by year, which gives a great burden on families. Every parent wants their children healthy, but some parents of cerebral palsy disease is not very understanding, so that the newborn after birth, before birth to some of the factors in a month raised children with cerebral palsy, a direct threat to the child's normal growth and development . The most common is cerebral palsy with spastic cerebral palsy, which is more common in clinical classification of cerebral palsy in children with this type is usually muscle contraction, so that patients in pain, then spastic cerebral palsy treatment, what does?
With the continuous advancement of medical technology, there are methods for treating a variety of spastic cerebral palsy, the most common and effective method is "CNSA cerebral palsy treatment of central nervous system regulation system", the therapy is a Beijing hospital chief expert Beijing Erkang Baiwang Hospital Professor Zhang Lanting years of painstaking research institute have, through surgery and rehabilitation training combination, persist brain surgery check → Rehabilitation Evaluation → → → rehabilitation → orthopedic surgery rehabilitation → woke complex intellectual muscle as the gold standard principle, significantly increased spastic life skills and self-care movement in children with cerebral palsy.
Zhang pointed out that children with cerebral palsy underwent surgery after the age of 6-7 years in general, can help relieve spasms and orthopedic correction. Advocate the use of more than 6-7 years before conservative treatment to prevent contractures and deformity. Minimally invasive surgery for cerebral palsy CNSA professional treatment of central nervous system spastic cerebral palsy, this therapy is central brain and spinal cord surgery center two-way control to adjust both the vertebral system, there are adjustment extrapyramidal system. Surgical indications very strict, rule-based treatment principle is to ensure that critical applications since many cases of central nervous system regulation technique not mistakes. There are numerous surgical methods are simple, can be applied to surgical treatments can also be shown in the straight at under a microscope, safe and reliable, the effect is really rebound.
[Case] ​​Spastic Cerebral Palsy small sweet (a pseudonym) female 4-year-old from Tianjin spastic cerebral palsy
Check symptoms: poor muscle waist and lower limbs, lower limbs muscle tension high, closing internal rotation of lower limbs, spin toes inside your feet, sagging rotation within bipedal upright vacant. Walk was "scissors step" not free squat, not on, down the stairs.
Rehabilitation: a "central nervous system regulation of cerebral palsy treatment system CNSA" comprehensive treatment

Treatment Results: children walking can straighten your feet flat, and freely and squat on the stairs, running close to normal children bouncing gait.

if you have any questiong cerebral palsy question, you can consult online doctor.
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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Type X legs symptoms in patients with cerebral palsy

Some children appear malformations, appear X-shaped leg or O-type legs, will bring serious harm to the patient, seriously affecting the lives of patients, for patients with leg deformities should be early detection and early treatment to avoid time delays affect patients with normal growth.
Cerebral palsy X-leg symptoms are as follows:
1, knee discomfort: general child or juvenile patients, the prevalence of shorter, knee mild symptoms or no symptoms. Patients over 30 years of age more obvious symptoms, usually after walking or exertion, knee soreness discomfort or pain. For patients with severe deformities who may be accompanied by ankle discomfort, symptoms can be alleviated by rest. The middle-aged patients with secondary knee osteoarthritis clinical manifestations.
2, knee pain and activity limitation: Early pain is not obvious, generally 25 to 30 years after the illness began to appear symptoms of knee pain. Varus knee clearance in patients with medial joint pain, knee valgus patients outside of the gap, the symptoms gradually worsened, the pain is persistent, affect sleep and rest. Following the pain got worse, have different degrees of knee flexion and extension activities restricted, flexion range can be smaller and smaller, in patients with severe knee tends to be stiff.
3, deformity is knee valgus patients with the most prominent of the typical signs: turn those within the knee, the knee to the lateral projection, the inner edge of the knees can not close together, knees condylar spacing to increase range, and within secondary tibia rotation, varus and valgus foot. Valgus knee abduction by the calf was like, when the lower limbs standing, knees together, ankles can not contact a gap, it was X-shaped legs, those who were single limb valgus K shape.
4, gait: patients with varus, lower limb instability when walking, swings, can occur when young children, after gradually increased. Knee valgus light, gait was normal, severe valgus knee, walking knee flexion, small steps, and there was about a large frequency swing shape.
Cerebral palsy X-type legs how to treat?
To better cure for cerebral palsy, Beijing Erkang Baiwang Hospital excellent hospital with cerebral palsy team of experts based on years of clinical experience in the treatment of cerebral palsy international advanced technology and traditional Chinese medicine choose their advantages combined with the original Beijing Erkang Baiwang Hospital CNSA surgery system. Including the "CNSA minimally invasive surgery", "MRI stereotactic multiple targets combined with minimally invasive surgery", "NGF nerve signal factor in the repair technology" and "a deformed limb muscle strength balancing act", "CP brain neurotransmitter involved in rehabilitation therapy "and other therapies. According cerebral palsy causes personal physical, phase case, choose the surgical treatment system. Diagnosis has been more than 20 countries and regions, more than 36,000 cases of cerebral palsy patients, cerebral palsy patients has more than 23,000 cases have been recovered, the total effective rate of 97.8%.
Beijing Seoul Kangbai Wang Kang Hospital experts recommended CNSA surgery system. Adapt to the symptoms of hand, foot valgus deformity, scissors cross deformity, clubfoot, Yang toe foot, catch-like foot, forefoot restrained, introverted double hip deformity, hands and feet geniculate like. Solve the hip, knee, ankle, and foot joints the major muscle problems, greatly reducing the suffering of children. At the same time, with the neurotransmitter involved in technology, the drug acts on the peripheral motor nerve endings, neuromuscular synapses ie, the inhibition of presynaptic neurotransmitter - acetylcholine release, causing muscle relaxation palsy, limb dystonia lift and spasticity. Surgery quick, good effect, so that children can stand to walk thousands.
X-type legs patient selection
An operation walk balance
By balancing disposable limbs the hip, knee, ankle, and foot joints the major muscle balance, correcting major joint deformities, children can be separated after the legs, knees straight, feet flat walk;
Short course recurrence
The tradition of hand, foot deformity do hip after doing knee surgery bare knuckle shorten treatment from six months to a year or so the surgical treatment is shortened to less than a month, once a major joint deformity correction, effective and reliable;
Technological innovation avoid malpractice
Once completed more limbs, multi-site release, repair, correction, effectively avoid the drawbacks of traditional surgery phased implementation;
Safe and effective results are obvious

For sick implement minimally invasive treatment, the body does not cause postoperative affect children, safe and reliable; two weeks after the patient which can be fixed with orthopedic or outside ambulation, and then six weeks after you can walk on their own, efficacy fast, good recovery of joint function.

What are causes of baby cerebral palsy ?

The incidence of cerebral palsy in the continuous improvement, which have an average of one thousand children 3-7 children with cerebral palsy, cerebral palsy so many families scared to patients physical and mental health has brought great harm to the treatment of infantile cerebral palsy must be a clear cause According to patients with different causes, and different symptoms, choose a single therapy or combination of therapies treat multiple cerebral palsy must be early detection and early treatment can improve the condition from the maximum extent.
The following details baby with cerebral palsy following reasons:
What are causes of baby  cerebral palsy ?

1, genetic factors: The exact cause of cerebral palsy that is not inherited, but genetic factors from inbreeding, some patients can trace the family genetic history, has cerebral palsy, mental retardation and congenital malformations in the family or peers or generations ago, the mother suffering from infectious diseases or adverse habits such as smoking, drug abuse, alcohol abuse and other factors that are harmful to the mother.
2, pregnancy factors: threatened abortion, hypertension, severe proteinuria during pregnancy with the blood, diuretics, estrogen and other drugs,
Infection, physical and chemical factors, ischemia and anoxia fetus, and maternal nutritional disorders during pregnancy can affect the fetus.
3, multiple pregnancies factors: the treatment of infertility in recent years, the application of ovulation induction drugs make multiple pregnancy rate increased significantly, while multiple pregnancies with cerebral palsy relations are increasingly the attention of the medical profession.

4, postpartum factors: neonatal asphyxia, premature birth, date of production, cesarean section, radical production, birth trauma, ventouse, dystocia experts pointed out that to understand the causes of cerebral palsy, the treatment of patients with patients is helpful.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What are the symptoms of epilepsy with women

We are not familiar with it for epilepsy, this disease is currently the highest incidence of the disease, so. We should attach great importance to this disease, so as to reduce the incidence of disease, then, for women, women with epilepsy symptoms, what does? To solve this problem I believe we all want to know it, the following detailed description and experts under.
What are the symptoms of epilepsy with  women

1, epileptic absence seizures
Sudden mental activity interruption, loss of consciousness, may be associated with myoclonus or automatism. The first attack a few seconds to ten seconds. EEG 3 times / second spine is slow or sharp slow-wave synthesis.
2, generalized tonic - clonic seizures
Sudden loss of consciousness, followed after the first tonic-clonic spasms. Often accompanied by screaming, pale purple, urinary incontinence, tongue bite, foaming at the mouth or Xue Mo, mydriasis. Tens of seconds or minutes after sustained seizures naturally stop, into the sleeping state. Wake up after a momentary dizziness, irritability, fatigue, on the seizure process can not recall. If the attack continued, has been in a coma who said large seizures of status, often life-threatening.
3, autonomic seizures
You may have a headache type, abdominal pain type, limb pain type, type, or cardiovascular syncope episodes. No clear cause of epilepsy were secondary to intracranial tumors, trauma, infection, parasitic disease, cerebrovascular disease, systemic metabolic disease caused by a secondary epilepsy.
4, complex partial seizures
Spiritual sensory, psychomotor and mixed episodes. Many have different levels of consciousness and clear thinking, perception, emotional and spiritual movement disorders. You may have fugue, night psychosis automatism performance. Sometimes hallucinations, delusions can occur under the domination of wounding, self-injury and other violence.
Neurotransmitter balance therapy epilepsy quick
Minimally invasive treatment effectively repair
By neurotransmitter balance therapy effectively prevent astrocytes play a role, so that within the visual cortex of the brain so that local blood flow induced response disappeared, and ultimately effective repair neuronal cells, to cure epilepsy purposes.
Stability and regulation double-effect one
Neurotransmitters bid farewell to the traditional balance therapy relying solely on drugs, to restore brain cell function underlying abnormal discharge balance to prevent seizures, epilepsy both scientific and thoroughness.
Blood both direct lesions
With neurotransmitter balance therapy treatment, effectively improve brain blood and oxygen, infiltration repair damaged neurons, the nerve cell bodies inside and outside the cell membrane potential difference back to normal, until the functional recovery, fundamentally completely cure epilepsy.

Tips: The above is a detailed introduction to experts female epilepsy, everyone on this disease is not a deeper understanding of it, hoping to give us help, in life more than once symptoms appear, it is necessary to promptly regular hospital treatment, to avoid the disease worse.

Beijing Erkang Baiwang Cerebral Palsy Hospital let year-old girl with cerebral palsy speak the language barrier

Name: Sang **
Age: 3 years old
Gender: Female
Nationality: Russian
Admission Time: 2011-02-18
Discharge Date: 2011-05-21
Admissions: to speak, but unclear articulation, not cocky, only straight tongue extending export activities tongue can not reach around the cheeks in the mouth. Understanding can. Limb motor function properly. Spirit can, diet, sleep can be, two will be normal.
Physical examination: T: 36.2 ℃, P: 98 beats / min, R: 21 beats / min, clear mind, spirit can be, the reaction may be, the full range of motion is limited tongue, the tongue can not bend, not about events. Tongue tie developed normally.
Admission diagnosis: the language barrier
Hospitalization program: treatment mainly to strengthen the balance and coordination capacity main language using functional assessment of cerebral palsy treatment system that combines traditional Chinese medicine Kang balance therapy, Kang party drug therapy group, Markov cerebral palsy medicated treatment.
Discharge conditions: mental states can no obvious discomfort, when today's children can walk alone rehabilitation training up to 24 steps, compared with the time of admission alone stable, can blur pronunciation.
Discharge Instructions: 1 to continue to strengthen rehabilitation exercises after discharge;.
2. The follow-up.
First, the expert team strength
Beijing Erkang Baiwang Cerebral Palsy Hospital based in Beijing, global services, advanced talent, technology, brought together a group of professional theory deep, experienced clinical experts, allowance from the State Council, the top three hospitals with cerebral palsy of academic leaders, Dr. returnees, really do to the "expert special disease cures." Over the years with leading experts, first-class operation, excellent efficacy, the majority of patients with cerebral palsy and parents trust.
Second, advanced technology outstanding results
Medical technology, absorb the latest international achievements, followed by the professional front, the use of modern technology, vigorously tap the motherland medical achievements, make traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine and modern high-end equipment to complement each other, the perfect combination. Renowned at home and abroad, "the regulation of the central nervous system CNSA cerebral palsy treatment system" is an exclusive development of our hospital team of experts set CNSA cerebral palsy treatment of central nervous system regulation system, limb orthopedic surgery, cell activation, Recuperation, consolidation and rehabilitation as one of the combination therapy, It has been developed for children with cerebral palsy patients for multi-disciplinary, multi-tool, multi-angle, multi-faceted, exclusive treatment system combining Chinese and Western medicine, with its high cure rate, good social evaluation.
Third, poor children will receive assistance
In order to address poverty cerebral palsy "expensive, medical treatment is difficult" issue, the Court actively carry out various welfare activities, the hospital has become the only designated medical execution unit China Children's Foundation special education funds, the use of good donor community money for poor children with cerebral palsy in line with the conditions of rescue aid treatment. Since special education fund has started implementation of an integrated treatment for nearly a hundred children with cerebral palsy from poor areas and families, so that they get rid of the disease.
Beijing Hospital, Seoul Kangbai Wang (Beijing Kang nerve disability rehabilitation center) accreditation for
☆ children Foundation special education fund designated medical rescue unit
☆ Beijing Disabled Persons Federation sentinel units
☆ Beijing Medicare designated unit
☆ Chinese Foreign cerebral palsy hospital sentinel
Russia, Eastern Cape autumn ☆ understand Chinese cooperation Hospital Medical Center
☆ Russia Moscow Children's Health Care Division Hospital treatment center China cooperation
Fourth, the professional brand into CCTV

"First-class experts, first-class technology, first-class service, first-class effect," won "China cerebral palsy treatment specialist the first brand" the title of Beijing Seoul Kangbai Wang hospital, enthusiastic public welfare, social mainstream media continued attention and coverage. After 2013, "a bowl of noodle, a love" through "News Network" reports that China Children and Teenagers' Foundation informed Zhang Changchun Cho encounter children with cerebral palsy, Beijing Erkang Baiwang Cerebral Palsy Hospital designated hospitals in the country for many of the small cerebral palsy hospital Cho Chang systematic treatment, has recovered well.

Russian-year-old boy with cerebral palsy is eligible for rehabilitation in Beijing

Russian-year-old boy with cerebral palsy is eligible for rehabilitation in Beijing
Name: m ***
Sex: Male
Age: 4 years
Birthplace: Russia
Admission Time: 2012-08-16
Discharge Date: 2012-11-11
Admission: The vertical head less stable, can rise his hands bed, stand up to, would belly crawl, can pose a four-point support, sitting alone for up to 10 minutes, when the lower limbs protective kick set up, sharp enough, not a cross Obviously, a lot of hands can grip, fine poor, children with poor eyesight, hearing, chasing sound responsive, able to say, "Dad, Mom, grandfather, uncle," others will not, dysarthria less clear, Shenshe flexible, can chew, no drooling, no drinking cough, poor comprehension.
Physical examination: T: 36.3 ℃, P: 98 beats / min, R: 25 beats / min, clear mind, spirit can, poor eyesight, light reflex. Examination uncooperative, upper limbs IV level, bilateral muscle tension Class I, Class III lower extremity muscle strength, muscle tone II level, adductor angle: 40 °, hip angle: 30 ° / 30 °, popliteal fossa angle: 110 ° / 110 °, dorsiflexion angle: 105 ° / 105 °, knee tendon hyperreflexia, double Pakistan's sign positive, ankle clonus not elicited.
Admission diagnosis: cerebral palsy (hybrid, severe) mental retardation, optic atrophy
Hospitalization program: admission-round 360 ° meticulous assessment, using Kang minimally invasive surgical needle Stubbs, Kang Chinese medicine balance therapy, rehabilitation therapy combined with Kang 4T.
Discharge conditions: children vertical head basically stable, flexible stand than before, sitting cross-legged pose longest 50 minutes, belly crawl increased awareness, reflex spasm improved significantly, decreased muscle tone.

Discharge Instructions: Continue the family rehabilitation.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Life Expectancy of Cerebral palsy and Epilepsy

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a term used to describe a group of disabilities that affect a child’s ability to move as a result of birth injury to the brain. CP is a permanent but non-progressive condition that doesn’t get worse as a child grows into adulthood. Except in cases where a babies born with serious health problems, CP is not a life-threatening disability and most infants diagnosed with it live normal life spans.
The main factors for life expectancy in cerebral palsy are gross motor function and feeding. Children who are fully ambulatory and who self-feed have life expectancies that are not dramatically less than normal. Less significant factors include fine motor function , cognitive function, epilepsy.
Type of cerebral palsy. The most common type of cerebral palsy is the spastic form, which is characterized by rigid muscle tone . Less common are the athetoid type, characterized by continual slow movements and the dyskinetic type , or mixed types are also possible. It is sometimes speculated that the different types are associated with differences in life expectancy. However, in unpublished research our group did not find any support for this notion, once severity of disabilities, as measured by level of function, is taken into account. For the estimation of life expectancy, by far the most useful classification is the pattern of disability.
The main sources of data for research on life expectancy in cerebral palsy are databases maintained by Professor Jane Hutton and her colleagues in the UK,2-6 and our California developmental disabilities database.In addition there are a few other studies from other countries/regions, such as Canadian study of Crichton13 and the Western Australian study of Blair. The research suggests that when children with comparable disabilities are compared, the resulting prognoses for life expectancy are similar.This point has sometimes been misunderstood, because the California database is able to identify children with exceptionally severe patterns of disabilities who have lower life expectancies than groups of children in other studies with less severe disabilities.
Life Expectancy With Epilepsy
Most people with epilepsy lead outwardly normal lives. Approximately 80 percent can be significantly helped by modern therapies, and some may go months or years between seizures. However, the condition can and does affect daily life for people with epilepsy, their family, and their friends. People with severe seizures that resist treatment have, on average, a shorter life expectancy and an increased risk of cognitive impairment, particularly if the seizures developed in early childhood. These impairments may be related to the underlying conditions that cause epilepsy or toepilepsy treatment rather than the epilepsy itself.
All children with epilepsy should have a health plan on file at their school which tells teachers what to do if the child seizures during the school day which might include supporting the child, giving emergency medications, calling the parents and in some cases calling 911. Parents should work with the school system to find reasonable ways to handle any special educational or environmental supports their child may have.
Having epilepsy does increase the risk that a child or adult might have adjustment or mental health concerns. In some cases these issue relate to the epilepsy itself, the underlying condition causing the epilepsy, the medications used to treat the epilepsy or adjusting to the chronic condition of epilepsy. Sometimes individuals with epilepsy may have to cope with misperceptions about epilepsy by individuals in society which might create problems in the work place, in school or socially. Counseling services can help families cope with epilepsy in a positive manner. Epilepsy support groups also can help by giving people with epilepsy and their family members’ ways to share their experiences, frustrations, as well as tips for coping with the disorder.

People with epilepsy or other handicaps in the United States cannot be denied employment or access to any educational, recreational, or other activity because of their seizures. However, studies have shown that a lower percentage of individuals with epilepsy do complete high, obtain a college degree or are employed than in individuals without epilepsy. Some studies have been criticized as having a “referral bias” meaning they assessed these things in a group of individuals with more severe epilepsy. Studies focused on individuals with epilepsy in general society have been much more positive in terms of the educational and employment success of individuals with epilepsy.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Early Treatment of Mild Cerebral Palsy

Early treatment of mild cerebral palsy

CP for each family is a fatal blow, but also add burden to society, physical and mental health of patients with cerebral palsy will bring great harm, the incidence of cerebral palsy in our country is between 2% to 3%, this probability is already very high , so we must actively prevent the occurrence of cerebral palsy, cerebral palsy symptoms must persist for the principle of early detection and early treatment, Beijing Erkang Baiwang CP Hospital off his cerebral palsy expert Professor Zhang Lanting terms.
If the child has cerebral palsy early symptoms of the following must be active treatment
After birth, feeding difficulties, such as sucking weakness, difficulty swallowing, for 3 to 4 months in children prone position can not erect head; four months later still use forearm support weight; fist hands often, can not suck Reach inlet; 6 ~ 7 months still can not stand up and sit alone for a moment; when help station to toe the ground or legs buckling unable to bear weight, or both legs are too straight, cross and so on.
Early treatment of mild cerebral palsy are described below:
1, early detection and early treatment. Infants movement system in the developmental stage, early detection motion abnormalities early to be corrected, easy to obtain better results. From now on medical point of view, timely treatment of children with cerebral palsy, can maximize the stimulation of damaged brain cells, so that children get the best treatment. The younger, repair damaged brain cells, the greater.
2, drug therapy: current methods commonly used drugs in clinical treatment of children with cerebral palsy are mainly using brain nutritional medicine, muscle relaxants, blood medicine, etc., to improve the energy metabolism of brain cells, regulating the brain activity of the drug.
3, comprehensive treatment. Using a variety of effective means for children with comprehensive, diversified comprehensive treatment, in addition to treatment for movement disorders, the merger of the language barrier, mental retardation, epilepsy, behavioral abnormalities also need to intervene, but to nurture his face everyday life, social interaction and the ability to engage in certain occupations in the future.
4, psychological therapy: talking with the children, to observe the emotional, psychological, interests, induced and inspired morbid adjustment, through games, music develop intelligence. This is one method of treatment in children with cerebral palsy.
Professional treatment of cerebral palsy therapy authoritative introduction: international CNSA cerebral palsy treatment system integration
Beijing Erkang Baiwang CP Hospital exclusive development of "CNSA treatment of central nervous system regulation system" for the first time in the treatment of cerebral palsy disease using a minimally invasive treatment, to further improve the efficacy of the treatment of cerebral palsy, so that muscle tension receive comprehensive fall while improving balance and limbs Features. Without surgery, avoid conventional treatment insecurity, treatment no worries, truly painless minimally invasive treatment and rehabilitation role.

Since the technology has been successfully used in clinical treatment of 12,950 patients, won the praise of international experts, attracting many well-known domestic and foreign experts to come to visit and study of cerebral palsy, including over 30 from Russia, the United States, South Korea, Italy, the former Yugoslavia experts. It is recognized as an effective treatment method for the treatment of cerebral palsy.

What are the treatment of cerebral palsy good method

Children with cerebral palsy is the most important performance motor dysfunction, abnormal behavior, language barriers, and other symptoms, now, just because there is no formal treatment. Children with cerebral palsy continue to increase, if left untreated, then it does not appear that. Following on from the experts to brief introduction.
Beijing Erkang Baiwang Cerebral Palsy Hospital recommend treatment of cerebral palsy good way.
1, psychological and behavioral therapy: children with cerebral palsy is sometimes associated with abnormal psychological and behavioral problems, such as autism, hyperactivity, mood swings and other symptoms. Healthy family environment, increase with age child interaction, as well as psychological and behavioral early intervention is the key to prevention and treatment of psychological and behavioral disorders.
2, exercise therapy: Therapists should develop training programs for the families of children with their parents. The plan should focus on improving function and prevent secondary damaging aspects, but especially severe in children, facilitation of care and reduce the family burden should be the main goal. Typically they include: knowledge of the children with the disease, as well as arrangements of everyday life; the functional activity of intensive training initiative; aids such as orthotics, chair, standing frame and wheelchair use, and so on;
3, speech therapy: After the doctors and assessed by a speech therapist, speech disorders according to different types of treatment, such as the jaw, lips, tongue, soft palate and other motion control training, as well as understanding and skills training.
4. Occupational therapy: Occupational therapy include fine hand function training, simple transformation activities of daily living skills training, brace and assist with the production and living environment facilities.
5, physical therapy: physical therapy is to increase range of motion, muscle tone adjustment, improve motor control, coordination, strength and endurance to improve motor function, and enhance daily living. Common techniques include: postural therapy, soft tissue stretching, muscle tension adjustment technology, functional active motion intensive training, muscle strength and endurance training, balance and coordination control, physical factors adjuvant therapy, and so on.
CNSA surgery system - "one-stop" treatment of cerebral palsy therapy
CNSA surgery system technical characteristics
To better cure for cerebral palsy, Beijing Erkang Baiwang Cerebral Palsy Hospital excellent hospital with cerebral palsy expert based on years of clinical experience in the treatment of cerebral palsy international advanced technology and traditional Chinese medicine combine their respective advantages Optional, instead of the traditional disadvantages of various surgical treatment of cerebral palsy therapy, while gathering house long and Piovan exclusive treatment of cerebral palsy therapy integration, Seoul Kang Baiwang CNSA original surgery system.
CNSA surgery system core
CNSA surgery system is approved by Beijing, Seoul Kang Baiwang chief cerebral palsy specialist hospital more than well-developed cerebral palsy treatment surgery system, including the "CNSA minimally invasive surgery", "MRI stereotactic multiple targets combined with minimally invasive surgery", "NGF nerve signal factor repair technology "and" a deformity limb muscle strength balancing act "," CP brain neurotransmitter involved in repair therapy "and other treatments are carried out simultaneously with the international technology treatment of cerebral palsy, cerebral palsy expert group Kang reason according to cerebral palsy, body type, stage situation choose surgical treatment system.
Essence essence CNSA minimally invasive surgery
CNSA is a new concept of the central nervous system regulates surgery, other surgical treatment of cerebral palsy today unmatched by new technology. CNSA minimally invasive surgery mechanism is:
① adjust the spinal cord reflex arc itself to adapt to a lower center of the central and temporal release of advanced lesions;
② spinal autoregulation corresponding reduction upload signal (impulse) of the central brain stimulation, reduced brain motion central excitability;
③ interception, blocking of mesh down to the spinal cord center tract, rubrospinal beams covered tract and other pass-through of extrapyramidal signal (impulse) control involuntary movement occurs. Through Advanced Brain and spinal cord motor center of the central two-way adjustment, so that both achieve the desired nerve impulses and the Association of pass-through. To achieve the purpose of treatment of cerebral palsy.
CNSA incomparable advantages of minimally invasive surgery
Using central regulation, and expand the range of treatment: clinical experience of surgical specialists through central brain and spinal cord center two-way adjustment, it reaches the central nervous system in a manner coordinated by the central nervous system of regulating expanded indications for surgery.
Under the microscope, surgery more accurate: Each surgery will determine the need to preserve and severed nerve fibers need under a microscope using neural detector, make surgery more accurate security.

Tens of thousands of children validation, security does not rebound: After tens of thousands of cases of children with clinical validation, the results of operations significantly, security does not rebound, the effective rate of 95%.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Epilepsy and Pregnancy

Epilepsy brings special issues for women, particularly in pregnancy. As the French say, vive la difference. And while equality between the sexes is a goal that most people applaud, the French do have a point.
Epilepsy affects women differently. Their hormonal and menstrual cycles, pregnancy, menopause—all of those life stages are affected by epilepsy. The treatment of their epilepsy may be affected by their hormonal state or their epilepsy and it's treatment could affect their hormones.
While the majority of women with epilepsy can and do become pregnant, they may have certain risks that women without epilepsy don't have. These risks can affect their health and that of their babies. Yet if properly managed, the risks are very small. In fact over 90% of women with epilepsy who become pregnant have healthy babies.
When women with epilepsy have problems, they are often hormone-based. Two specific hormones are especially important: estrogen, which increases the electrical activity of the brain, and progesterone, which has the reverse effects.
Epilepsy and Pregnancy

Some general points about pregnancy and epilepsy
Planned pregnancies are usually best for women with epilepsy. This gives you time to work with your neurology/epilepsy team and obstetrical team ahead of time.
About half of all pregnancies in the U.S. are unplanned! So, please talk to your health care team about pregnancy early, even when you are not planning to have a child.
Get a health care team willing to work together with you - before, during and after the pregnancy. Ideally, see a neurologist who specializes in epilepsy and an obstretician comfortable with epilepsy. Most importantly, you want both doctors to work well together and with you. Add a nurse and social worker or other mental health counselor to your team. You'll likely have many practical questions about pregnancy, safety and parenting to address. It can be an emotional time too and having support is crucial!
Review your seizure medications and seizure control with your epilepsy team before you become pregnant.

Make sure you are taking prenatal vitamins and folic acid.
Plan for frequent visits to your neurology team during pregnancy. Levels of seizure medications will need to be monitored regularly and changes in doses may be needed.
Pay attention to healthy living and seizure triggers. Some women are more likely to have seizures during pregnancy due to hormonal changes, fluctuating medicine levels, or other factors.
Breastfeeding is possible and recommended for most women with epilepsy. You'll want to talk about this early with your epilepsy and OB team.
Having children is a big responsibility and you'll likely have many questions or concerns about parenting and how epilepsy may or may not affect this.

Don't forget that this is a family affair. Involve your spouse, partner, and key family and friend supports as early as possible!

About Atonic Seizure : Treatment and Diagnosis

Muscle "tone" is the muscle's normal tension. "Atonic" (a-TON-ik) means "without tone," so in an atonic seizure, muscles suddenly lose strength. The eyelids may droop, the head may nod, and the person may drop things and often falls to the ground. These seizures are also called "drop attacks" or "drop seizures." The person usually remains conscious. These seizures typically last less than 15 seconds. They often start in childhood yet last into adulthood. Many people with atonic seizures are injured when they fall, so they may choose to use protection such as a helmet.
About Atonic Seizure : Treatment and Diagnosis

Another name for this type of seizure is "akinetic" (a-kin-ET-ik), which means "without movement."
Atonic seizures usually begin in childhood and are often seen in syndromes like Lennox Gastaut syndrome.
In an atonic seizure, the person's body will get limp. If sitting, their head or upper body may slump over. If standing, the person many fall limply to the ground. People who have seizures that cause them to fall rigidly (like a tree trunk) often have tonic seizures (involving sudden muscle contraction) rather than atonic seizures.
Usually descriptions of the seizures by witnesses will suggest the diagnosis. Some EEG monitoring may be performed to confirm it. If the seizures persist, other tests may be used to make sure that changes in the heart rhythm or blood pressure are not causing the patient to fall down.
How are atonic seizures treated?

There are medicines, devices (Vagus nerve stimulator) , diet ( ketogenic or modified Atkins) and even surgeries (callosotomy) that can help prevent atonic seizures.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Symptoms of Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy

Hemiplegia is paralysis that affects one half of the body, either right or left side. Hemiplegic cerebral palsy is usually caused by a stroke before, during or soon after birth. Sixty percent of children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy have specific symptoms such as recurrent focal seizures in the first three days of life. In others, stroke is not recognized until weeks, months or even years later.
Symptoms of Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy
Hemiplegic cerebral palsy can cause some, but not necessarily all, of these ongoing symptoms:
Attention and Concentration – Your child may be unable to filter out distractions in the classroom. She may have trouble switching from one activity to another.
Behavior – Hemiplegic cerebral palsy can cause agitation, irritability, mood swings, hyperactivity, apathy or outbursts.
Memory – Difficulty with encoding, storing and retrieving new information.
Seizures – May develop immediately or years later. In many cases, the seizures can be controlled through medication.
Sensory Effects – Difficulty with vision and impaired coordination of both eyes. The brain’s visual processing area may be injured, resulting in visual field cuts (partial losses of vision). Hearing may also be affected.
Social Communication – Your child may have difficulty following shifting topics, interpretation of social cues, organization of ideas, and application of rules of social behavior.

Speech and Language – Depending on the age and cause of injury, the child may have problems with speech, such as lack of speech or extremely slow speech. These may improve with time. Children who have a stroke at or near birth may have delays in talking, but not in understanding.

Hemiplegia and Hemiplegia Cerebral Palsy

Hemiplegia is a condition that affects one side of the body in cerebral palsy patients, however it is not exclusive to cerebral palsy. Hemiplegia affects either the right or left side of the body. Hemiplegia is caused by damage to a part of the brain, which can occur before, during, or soon after birth, when it is known as congenital hemiplegia. If it occurs later in childhood (up to age 3), it is called acquired hemiplegia. Generally, injury to the left side of the brain will cause a right hemiplegia and injury to the right side a left hemiplegia. Childhood hemiplegia is a relatively common condition, affecting up to one child in 1,000.
Hemiparetic and Hemiplegic cerebral palsy (CP) are two different forms of cerebral palsy with the same disabilities: one side of the body side is affected. Hemiplegic is the more severe form of the disorder that involves total paralysis on one side of the body, while those with hemiparetic CP experience muscle weakness and/or mild paralysis on the affected side of the body.
Caused by brain damage, hemiparetic and hemiplegic CP constitute at least a third of all people with CP in the United States and are typically diagnosed before a child turns 3 years old. Per the American Medical Association (AMA), there are several risk factors that may contribute to the development of hemiparetic and hemiplegic CP, including maternal or placental infection, asphyxia during birth, congenital heart disease, infant stroke, and/or mother and infant blood incompatibility.
At least 60% of all cases are a result of infant stroke. In most cases, the infant’s stroke will cause seizures within the first three days after birth. In other instances, the stroke may not be noticeable until several months and even years later.
Hemiplegia affects each child differently. The most obvious affects are a varying degree of weakness and lack of control in the affected side of the body. In one child this may be very obvious, in another child it will be so slight that it only shows when attempting specific physical activities.
Although there is no cure for hemiplegia, its effects can be minimized throughphysical therapy. Your child, once diagnosed, will probably be referred to a Child Development Centre (CDC) or the children's department of your local or regional hospital, where therapists will work with you to develop his or her abilities.
Because the immature brain is so flexible, many of the functions of the damaged area can be taken over by completely functional parts of the brain. Children and young people with hemiplegia will see a relatively small difference in their general development in the area of the brain that was damaged, especially in comparison to their elder counterparts.
A child with hemiplegia should be treated as normally as possible, when the circumstances allow. However, it is essential to include the weaker side in play and everyday activities, to make your child as ambidextrous as possible. Children with hemiplegia can be encouraged to develop better use of their weaker side through involvement in their chosen sports and hobbies, as they get older.

About half of children with hemiplegia do have additional problems related to cerebral palsy. Additional problems are usually medical in nature, such as epilepsy, visual impairment or speech difficulties. It has also become clear that many children have less obvious additional problems, such as perceptual problems, specific learning difficulties or emotional and behavioral problems, but with specialist treatment their effects on the child's life can be minimized.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Types of Seizures And Epilepsy

Seizures take many forms. Before your doctor can prescribe the right treatment, he or she must figure out which type (or types) you have. That's the purpose of all the tests discussed in the Diagnosis section—not just to tell whether you have epilepsy, but also to tell what kind.
Commonly Used Names for Seizure Types
Seizures are generally described in two major groups of seizures, primary generalized seizures and partial seizures. The difference between these types is in how and where they begin. A new way of naming seizures has been developed by epilepsy specialists, but most often these common names are still used.
Primary generalized seizures
Primary generalized seizures begin with a widespread electrical discharge that involves both sides of the brain at once. Hereditary factors are important in many of these seizures.
Partial seizures
Partial seizures begin with an electrical discharge in one limited area of the brain. Many different things can cause partial seizures, for example head injury, brain infection, stroke, tumor, or changes in the way an area of the brain was formed before birth (called cortical dysplasias). Many times, no known cause is found, but genetic factors may be important in some partial seizures.

Partial seizures can be broken down further, depending on whether a person's awareness or consciousness (the ability to respond and remember) is affected.

Treatment of cerebral palsy and epilepsy

Children with epilepsy who also have an intellectual disability or mental handicap (a term preferred over the older term, "mental retardation") or cerebral palsy present a wider range of problems than children who have uncomplicated epilepsy. Children with mental handicaps have below-average intellectual ability and are often impaired in their ability to understand, communicate, solve problems, and function in social settings. Children with cerebral palsy have muscle weakness, difficulty standing or walking, or postural problems. Their intelligence may range from average to below average. Intellectual disability and cerebral palsy can also be associated with vision, hearing, and speech problems and possibly some physical deformity or emotional disturbance. Management of children with epilepsy and mental handicap or cerebral palsy requires the combined effort of doctors, therapists, education specialists, and parents.
Treatment of children with cerebral palsy and epilepsy varies according to their age, the severity of their symptoms, and the type of cerebral palsy. Common steps include:
corrective lenses
orthotics, braces, or corrective surgery for affected limbs
injections of tiny doses of botulin toxin to relieve spasticity and treat movement disorders
medications to reduce spastic tension in muscles
speech therapy
physical and occupational therapy
psychological counseling to assist with adjustment issues
referrals to appropriate resources, including a neuropsychologist for development of an individualized educational plan (IEP)
Comprehensive child development clinics (centers for neuromuscular and developmental disorders) can help with many parts of this treatment. They can identify, assess, and diagnose children's general health conditions; identify emotional and learning problems; refer children with particular problems to specialists; provide instruction and counseling for parents; serve as a source of referrals to other programs; and provide physical, occupational, and speech therapy.
Exercise is an essential part of the therapy for children with cerebral palsy. Babies who are developing normally are seldom still; their arms and legs are in almost continuous motion. As they roll, crawl, get into and out of sitting positions, and reach for objects and manipulate them, they are exercising without making a conscious effort. For babies with cerebral palsy, this kind of healthy, spontaneous exercise is more challenging. Some may be capable of only a few movements, so these babies are often relatively inactive. But children with cerebral palsy must have exercise. Movement through all ranges of motion can prevent contractures or joint limitations and help the child's body maintain its potential. Weight-bearing exercises can prevent bone loss. And the input from exercise is an important building block for the future development of motor and cognitive skills.
The parents of a child with epilepsy and cerebral palsy must make sure the child gets enough exercise. If the child is passive and content to lie back and watch the world go by, the parents need to encourage activity.
For young children with cerebral palsy, one of the best ways to do this is through the roughhouse play that other children instinctively make a part of their regular exercise. The touch and movement that are so much a part of this type of play are essential to the development of normal systems of touch, balance, and the sense of head and body position. A child can enjoy roughhousing if the parents keep in mind the principles of good handling and pay attention to the child's body. For example, if rapid movements such as playfully raising and lowering make the child stiff, it is better to try a slower activity involving some trunk rotation and leg separation, which should decrease the child's muscle tone (the firmness and consistency of muscles at rest and with movement) and thus reduce the child's stiffness. A good alternative might be the merry-go-round, in which the parent holds the child face-to-face with the child's legs straddling the parent's waist and twirls around. In general, children with increased muscle tone (stiff or rigid muscles) respond better to a slow pace and those with low muscle tone, who are floppy or hypotonic, generally respond well to fast movements.
Ideally, much of the child's exercise should come from the daily routine of such activities as diapering, dressing, and feeding. Two general guidelines in accomplishing this goal are:
Place objects far enough away that the child needs to reach for them or crawl to them.
Encourage the child to do all the physical activities he or she is capable of, even if it sometimes seems easier for someone else to do them.
The child's occupational and physical therapists can provide additional tips on increasing the exercise that the child gets in the daily routine.
Some parents of children with epilepsy and cerebral palsy also enroll the child in formal physical fitness programs. Gym classes, movement experiences, Special Olympics, and other programs for young children are blossoming, and many are quite receptive to children with special needs. It is not absolutely essential to find a program with a staff trained in dealing with these children, although the instructor should be helpful and cooperative. Generally, it will be up to the parent to apply the correct principles to reduce or increase muscle tone and encourage normal movement. The physical or occupational therapist can tell parents whether the child might benefit from any program being considered.

As the child grows older, it becomes increasingly important for the exercise routine to include outdoor activities. Walks with the child in a stroller or in a carrier on the parent's back provide fresh air and opportunities for learning about the world outside the house. For some children, just lying or sitting on the grass while parents do yard work can be a special event. Outdoor smells, sights, and sounds all stimulate the child's developing sensory system. With proper precautions, the child may also enjoy riding on the back of the parent's bicycle. Parents may have to be creative in thinking of outdoor play activities that are within the child's abilities, but because playing outdoors is the most enjoyable form of exercise for many children, the more activities parents can come up with, the better. For example, horseback riding can provide both good physical therapy and fun for children with cerebral palsy. As with many other aspects of raising a child with cerebral palsy, much trial and error is involved in finding enjoyable exercises that are right for the child.

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